2024 Housing Application
Housing Facts
Monthly rent is $400 and includes gas, electric, water, and Internet service. The JMC Housing Lease will be a 9 month lease from August 10 – May 10. Residents will be asked to sign the lease and abide by the rules of the contract. Payments, as outlined below, must be paid in full by August 10, 2024, and can be paid at your designated move-in time. We accept cash, check, or money order. Checks may be payable to Journey Church.
Non-refundable application fee: $100
Remaining security deposit: $300
First month’s Rent: $400
Total Due: $800
A $400 discount will be given if residents pay the lease in full prior to occupying the apartment. To receive this discount, the following balance will be due:
Non-refundable application fee: $100
Remaining security deposit: $300
August 15 – May 15 Rent: $3,600
Discount: -$400
Total Due: $3,600
Payment of Rent: Monthly rent is due on or before the first day of every month, and all residents who have signed the lease shall be held individually responsible for his or her rent. Any rent not received by 4:00 p.m. on the fifth day of the month will be subject to a $30 late fee. There will be a charge of $30 for a check not honored by the bank. The eviction process begins when a resident is behind two months in rent.
Move in appointment: Once you finish the form below, you’ll be directed to a spreadsheet where you can claim a time to move in and sign your lease. You may choose to move all your items in at that time or not, but the lease must be signed on the day of your scheduled appointment time.
Inspections: Housekeeping inspections are held bi-weekly. Residents will be given ample notice prior to the inspection; however, residents are expected to keep the apartment clean and in good repair at all times. Fines can and will be assessed for the lack of cleanliness and be held responsible for any damage.
Meetings: Resident meetings will be held by the RA monthly to cover updates and necessary information.