Journey Ministry College’s
Servant Leader Scholarship
Each and every season, there are JMC students who rise above the crowd to serve our church in excellence, and we want to show our appreciation with practical financial assistance. This Student Leadership Scholarship is awarded to one Journey Ministry College student each semester who went above and beyond in their unpaid internship.
The Servant Leader Scholarship is awarded to Journey Ministry College (JMC) students by Kingdom Builders at Journey Church. Journey Church believes that the Church is called to invest in the next generation of Christian Leaders by bringing education and training back to the church through practical discipleship and apprenticeship. We are proud to partner with Southeastern University (SEU) to provide affordable education, and want to continue supporting the next generation financially.
Students will be nominated by their internship leaders and will be judged on the criteria measured in SEU’s Supervisor Evaluation Forms each semester. In order to continue prioritizing excellence among our future leaders, students must maintain above a 3.0 GPA in order to remain eligible for this scholarship.
A $500 scholarships will be awarded each semester to a returning JMC student who has excelled in their internship in terms of learning and leading. Scholarships will be credited to the recipient’s tuition bill at the start of the new semester. The spring submission deadline is scheduled for June 1, 2024.
To qualify for these scholarships, students must:
Be returning students at Journey Ministry College.
Remain enrolled at Journey Ministry College throughout the school year.
Practice excellent student leadership in the office and at church events on a weekly basis.
Be nominated by an internship leader whom they have worked closely with for the last semester.
Four winners will be contacted at Orientation and will be judged by the above listed criteria.